As both regulatory and public perception on issues of climate and preservation shift, it's increasingly important for leaders across various industries to consider environmental compliance and other ecological concerns. You want to shield yourself from potential problems with government agencies and build consumer confidence through smart investments in green engineering, and that's where Eagle Resources can help.

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We provide assistance with:

Contaminated Site Investigations

  • Soil Sampling and Analysis
  • Groundwater Assessment and Modeling
  • Soil Gas Assessments
  • Building Demolition/Site Restoration
  • Site Assessment Documentation
  • Licensed Professional Engineer Reports

Remedial Design

  • Alternatives Analyses
  • Cost Estimating
  • Basis for Design Documentation
  • Bid Solicitation and Evaluation
  • Services during Construction
  • Engineer's Certification of Completion

Brownfields Projects

  • Site Development Alternative Assessment
  • Compliance Documentation
  • Services to Site Developer
  • Certification of Compliance

Environmental Due Diligence

  • Property Acquisition Services
  • Remedial Investigations
  • Remedial Cost Estimating